Monday, March 23, 2009

Busy! Busy! Busy!

Thursday night, we went to my parents house for dinner. Then, us kids (and mom) surprised my dad with a trip to Harrah's. His birthday is tomorrow and my mom thought it would be fun if we took him to the casino to gamble for a little while. My mom stayed home with the kids and they spent the night (she didn't want to go and she wanted me to go) and me, D.J., Matt, CC, and my dad went to Harrah's. It was fun and everyone had a great time.

Friday, I went to Walmart and Schnucks and then came home to clean house. D.J. came home and helped me finish cleaning and then we sat down and watched Grey's Anatomy from the night before.

Saturday, I woke up early and started getting things ready for the party. I hosted a small surprise 50th birthday party for my dad at our house. Some of our immediate family came to help celebrate his 50th birthday and everyone had a great time. After the party, D.J. and I went to our friends, Scott and Libby's house to hang out. We hadn't seen them in awhile and they invited us over to catch up and see Moe (their 3 month old son). It was a great night and we had a blast being with them.

Sunday, we went to church and then to my parents house for lunch (ham, D.J.'s favorite). Some more of my family was there, so we got to catch up and then we played Dominos and I won (again!). We came home at dinner time and I did homework while D.J. took care of the kiddos.

It was a very busy weekend and today the girls and I are relaxing at home. We hope everyone had a great weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy "7 Months" to Audrey! And, a Happy "50th" to David!

The Beals